Milkshakes with berries

Milkshakes with berries


50 goyi berries and 20 raisins
3 walnuts and 2 apricot apricots
A large spoonful of wholegrain muesli
A small spoonful of honey
A small spoonful of olive oil
Liquid base (skimmed milk, vegetable drink or plain yogurt)

1 – Liquid base

Place the liquid base of your preference in a bowl or blender cup.
2 – Add solid ingredients

Add the 50 goji berries, the raisins whole or cut into 2 pieces, the nuts in several pieces, the dried apricot apricots and finally, the tablespoons of honey and olive oil.
3 – Mix!

Mix everything and beat to your liking
4 – How many calories does it give me?

With a base of 200 g of natural skimmed yogurt, approximately 327 calories. With a base of 200 ml of skimmed milk, approximately 311 calories.


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